Age 1: Threw my bottle of milk from the crib, refusing to drink milk in that way anymore. I preferred a shot glass.
Age 2: My sister is born. Thus begins a decade of matching outfits and haircuts (I'm the one in the photos who is never wearing pink).
Age 3: Had my tonsils removed. Learned that complaining loudly that my throat hurt would get me Grandpa's sympathy and lots of ice cream.
Age 4: I still believe in Santa Claus even though I recognize my Mom's handwriting on the note "he" left with the new handmade Barbie clothes. I didn't consider that being gullible, I considered it being pragmatic.
Age 5: Thanks to Mom this is the last time I had long hair until I was in my 40's. Hint: Mia Farrow may have looked really sophisticated in that pixie haircut, but I had lost my front teeth and I had freckles. I didn't look sophisticated, I looked like a little boy.
Age 6: For my birthday, I received a purple bicycle with long handlebars and a banana seat. My parents didn't see me for years after that. Freedom!
Age 7: Fito gave me a ring and became my boyfriend. I broke the ring when I used it to play hopscotch. We broke up after recess.
Age 8: Got baptized. Having never seen a baptism, I was concerned that I would drown as I thought that Dad would say the prayer while I was under water and I knew how long my Dad's prayers could be.
Age 9: Didn't learn a damn thing in school during this year. Wait, I did learn that teachers can be extremely crappy at their job and nobody believes little kids when they tell you that.
Age 10: I wrote an essay for Mrs. Taggert that forever changed my perception of myself. Thank you Mrs. Taggert for recognizing that little girl and her feelings.
*The idea for this post came from Maggie Mason's blog.
I bought a brand new iPod a few weeks ago (a sweet 80GB iPod classic) and I'm having a devil of time figuring out how to get all of my music from the iTunes on my two computers onto the iPod. Long story short, whenever I sync with my work computer's iTunes, it wipes out the songs from my home computer. I want to MERGE the two, not overwrite them. Why isn't merge an option? I'm sure this is something simple but I can't seem to figure it out.
This is probably my karmaic come-uppance for laughing at Boni and his cell phone issues...
Thankfully the unseasonably warm weather that San Diego has been experiencing lately has finally broken. I can now rely on just having the windows open to cool off the apartment. However, I'm dreading getting the SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric) bill this month after having run the air conditioning for nearly 3 weeks straight. I may have to resort to illegal activity in order to raise the funds to pay it off.
So please, if you have any ideas for lucrative illegal activities, go ahead and send them my way. And yes, my comments accept anonymous submissions!
Boni and I went to see the Padres play the Dodgers last weekend. I had been looking forward to that game for a lonnnnggg time and just wanted the Padres to beat the Dodgers so bad I could taste it. And to me the taste was sweet, like something from Extraordinary Desserts.
Unfortunately because of San Diego's proximity to LA, we get invaded with Dodger fans coming to OUR ballpark. Blech! And sure enough an entire family of Dodger fans sat next to Boni and I.
As a matter of fact, there were about 8 of them and Boni and I had our 2 seats right in the middle of them. Dodger blue to the left of us, Dodger blue to the right of us, we were surrounded. But then the matriarch of this clan (think of Peg Bundy as a baseball fan) asked us if we would mind changing seats with them so they could all sit together.
Well, as a matter of fact I DID mind. Boni and I very specifically buy the seats we do so we can sit right on the first base line and have a clear field of vision from first to second base. So I told her that without any hint of an apology. She had the nerve to be miffed at me! I ignored her and proceeded to scream my head off and enjoy myself immensely as we soundly defeated those silly Dodgers.
I hope her glass of white wine every inning helped dull the pain for her...
People that know me are aghast when I tell them that I am still on a dial-up internet connection at home.
" have a job working on the internet! How can you do that?"
Very simple. By not having a fast connection at home, I am not in the least bit tempted to do more work when I get home. I make it as painful as possible for myself so that I NEVER bring work home.
Not so crazy anymore is it?
I was recently trying to find some obscure information on Google and was getting frustrated at the kinds of results that Google thought was what I REALLY meant. I don't need Google to interpret what it thinks I mean. I have a message for you cubicle dwellers in Googleland. Stick to the algorithms nerd-boy and give me search results that actually contain the EXACT term I'm looking for. You're all pretty smart, so figure this out soon pretty please with sugar on top, OK?
While I was wading through all the worthless results in search of that needle in a haystack of irrelevancy, I decided to google my Dad's name to see if there were any news articles about him and his Mayorship. Wow, did I get more than I bargained for! Turns out that the City Council in Hyrum was approached recently about the idea of holding pig wrestling contests at the old rodeo grounds. Seems a lady there in town thought this might be a good way to bring some notoriety to the town (along with some out-of-towners to spend some cash at the local market and gas station). Turns out this caused a big stink among some animal rights activists who showed up to the City Council meeting and protested vehemently. They said that the pigs didn't like this kind of thing. Dad merely asked the common sense question "How do you know they don't like it?" He's right. Maybe they get a rush from wrestling with a human and making them look ridiculous. Who knows?
I also googled my own name too. Do you have any idea how many people there are online with the same name as me? It makes me wish that I was the artist and children's book author that comes up frequently in a search for me. Or makes me wonder about the woman who is a fanatical stamper who competes in online stamping challenges and blogs WAAAYYY too much about it, IMHO. (Most people need a hobby, I think she needs a life.) And that doesn't even count the number of times my name comes up last name-first for any number of Korean Americans. I never did find myself in that Google search. I don't know whether to be pleased or insulted.
After all, how can I possibly get "dooced"* if no one can even find me?
* Dooce = to get fired from ones job because of what you've written on your personal blog.
About Me
Can You Dig It?
Thanks for the Memories, Mr. President - Helen Thomas
Counseling With Our Counsels - M. Russell Ballard
Book of the Dead - Patricia Cornwell
Music List
Love You Madly - Cake
The Very Wild Rover - Cruachan
Quattro (World Drifts In) - Calexico
Love Rollercoaster - Ohio Players
Kim's Twitter
By Common Consent
Fit Day
Shout Outs
Bishop - #1 on speed dial
Dad - Thanks for everything
Boni - You're my rock