
Taking digizines into the new millenium

Aug 19, 2005

Climbing back on the couch

Posted by Kim |

Today I had a strange dream early in the morning. I dreamed that a bright green tiny frog somehow found it's way into my house. As I was wondering how it got into the house, it merrily started hopping toward my bedroom. Giving chase, it eluded me until it made it's way into my closet. Strangely, it now blended in with the items sitting among my shoes on the floor of my closet. Just as I was going to reach for the frog, my "belts" started to move. They were snakes! I snatched my hand back just in time before these small green snakes caught and devoured the frog. Ewwwwwww!!!!

This is a relatively benign dream (and I'm aware of what these symbols are referring to in my waking life), but what scares me is that I might be slipping back to the place I was at in my mid 20's when I was sleep walking and I was afraid to go to sleep at night. I'm hoping this is a one time occurence and it's only because I happened to mention that time in my life recently to a friend of mine. Why does the unknown have to be so scary?

