
Taking digizines into the new millenium

Sep 24, 2009

Quote of the Day

Posted by Kim |

The German poet Ranier Maria Rilke once wrote that it's important for people to be solitary because "the seemingly uneventful and motionless moment when our future steps into us is so much closer to life than that other loud and accidental point of time when it happens to us as if from outside. The quieter we are, the more patient and open we are, the more deeply and serenely the new presence can enter us, and the more we can make it our own, the more it becomes our fate." (via MetroDad)

Jul 16, 2009

Where's the Funeral Potatoes Recipe?

Posted by Kim |

Well it happened sooner than I would have hoped. A ward member has passed away and I need to put together a luncheon for 100 people next Saturday. Obviously I'm too new at this job if I don't even know where we keep the damn tablecloths...

Jun 23, 2009

Simpsons Quote of the Day

Posted by Kim |

Marge: You'll never get a husband if you keep being so sarcastic.

Lisa: All right. No husband.

Jun 10, 2009

No More 3 for $3.33

Posted by Kim |

As a sign of the reality of the new economy, the local Weinerschnitzel has finally removed their infamous 3 for $3.33 promotion (a chili cheese dog, chili cheese burger and chili cheese fries). Now it's 2 for $3. Is nothing sacred anymore?

(I've been forced to update my shout outs to reflect this unfortunate turn of events. Sorry Steve.)

Zotz Anyone?

Posted by Kim |

I've been in a bit of a mood lately to reminisce on things from my childhood and suddenly I remembered all of the cool candy that we had as kids that don't seem to be around anymore. Candy cigarette, anyone? What candy do you miss that you can't find anymore?

Jun 5, 2009

That's Madame President to You

Posted by Kim |

Well, it's happened. The Apocalypse. The End of Days. The earth will at any moment reverse it's orbit around the sun.

I've been called to be the Relief Society President of my ward. Gah! It only took nearly 2 months from the time our old RS President moved away for the Bishop to finally get me put in place. I don't know what the h*** I'm doing. I'm making it up as I go along.

Lots of sleepless nights already and wondering how I'm going to be up to the challenge of being in ward with 84 active families and 500 inactive ones. Dad has given me some great advice already but the two I'm clinging to are: 1) Delegate - EVERYTHING you possibly can, and 2) Be sure to make time for yourself on a regular basis.

Remind me again of the perks of being President?

May 12, 2009

New Addition(s)

Posted by Kim |

I'm excited to welcome Corbin Keith Schumann and Chloe Jade Schumann to the family! Corbin was born on April Fool's Day and weighed 7 lbs 1 oz, 19 inches long. Chloe was born this morning and coincidentally weighed the same as her cousin, but she was 20 inches long. Can't wait to see more pictures of the beautiful babies!

Congratulations to both Scott & Tiffany and Derek & Ashely...

May 6, 2009


Posted by Kim |

I used to really enjoy traveling for business, but now...well now I endure it.

I'm in San Jose for 3 days for a conference and while I have been enjoying it and learning interesting things, all I can think about is all the things I need to also be doing that I can't do because I'm here. I remember the days when I was younger and I loved going to new places and sleeping in hotels and eating out all the time.

It might be time to rethink my lifelong dream of being a truck driver...

Apr 23, 2009

Encouraging Creativity

Posted by Kim |

I've been thinking alot about creativity lately. For whatever reason, I've always associated creativity with pursuits that are more artistic in nature, but have come to realize that creativity should really be something that everyone tries to nurture in every aspect of life. Creativity is something that brings vitality and life to work that can tend to become monotonous and boring. Creativity can be the result when we indulge our curiosity and ask the crazy questions. I've become an "adult" though and unfortunately I have turned off the natural and wide ranging interests I had when I was a child.

I like to watch the talks from TED that have been archived on the internet, because they expose me to ideas and people that I wouldn't necessarily have heard of. One that sticks out to me was a talk by Elizabeth Gilbert on the nature of creativity and genius. She talked about how genius used to be considered a magical divine entity, not part of the person themself. I know it's not logically sound, but that idea resonates with me because people that have a gift of genius seem to somehow be touched by something mystical and special outside of themselves.

I'm planning to look into this further to see what I can do to encourage creativity in myself, not just on special projects, but as a way of life. If anyone has books or other resources please recommend them in the comments.

Apr 5, 2009

Into Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall

Posted by Kim |

What a week this past week has been and boy am I glad it's over.

First, preparing for a major presentation to our executive team. Second, putting together recommendations for a new client to (hopefully) expand their business with us. Last, but not least, a reorganization at my company. I'm exhausted.


I have Boni. And he brings light to my world in the darkest of times. And just like a shaft of sunlight through rain shows itself as a beautiful rainbow, that's what it feels like when Boni holds me and tells me how wonderful I am. I can't believe how lucky I am even in this torrential downpour of uncertainty and stress. That little bit of sunlight makes all the difference.

Apr 1, 2009

Can you spell L-A-M-E?

Posted by Kim |

OK, that last post was completely lame. In my own defense though, I was merely trying out some new technology that I came across called Plinky. It's supposed to be a place for you to get blog post ideas and since I obviously don't think about anything for months at a time, I thought I'd get some help. I didn't realize that Plinky is really a wannabe Twitter (Plitter? Twinky?)

From now on I'll be in stealth mode, meaning I'll sign on to Plinky to get a new blog post idea and not answer it there so I don't have to annoy my many fans with that L-A-M-E icon appearing uninvited in my blog post. It sooo ruins the aesthetic of my new blog design.

Do I need to feel guilty about this? WWJD?

I love breakfast food of any type. Omelets, cereal, breakfast burritos, waffles, pancakes, toast, orange juice, mmmm, it's all good. Oh, and you can't forget about bacon. Bacon ROCKS!
