
Taking digizines into the new millenium

Apr 1, 2009

Can you spell L-A-M-E?

Posted by Kim |

OK, that last post was completely lame. In my own defense though, I was merely trying out some new technology that I came across called Plinky. It's supposed to be a place for you to get blog post ideas and since I obviously don't think about anything for months at a time, I thought I'd get some help. I didn't realize that Plinky is really a wannabe Twitter (Plitter? Twinky?)

From now on I'll be in stealth mode, meaning I'll sign on to Plinky to get a new blog post idea and not answer it there so I don't have to annoy my many fans with that L-A-M-E icon appearing uninvited in my blog post. It sooo ruins the aesthetic of my new blog design.

Do I need to feel guilty about this? WWJD?

