
Taking digizines into the new millenium

Mar 3, 2008

Mom and Dad Are Coming For a Visit....

Posted by Kim |

...might be time to think about taking down the Christmas tree.

Mar 1, 2008

News Flash

Posted by Kim |

NPR broke the news this morning that Kraft Foods actually ceased production of the hot grain beverage Postum last fall because of low demand. I wonder what Inez is going to do when the supply dwindles to the point that the only way to get some is to bid $100 for a jar on eBay? Maybe Pero will become the new drink of choice. Didn't Grandpa have a jar of this hidden in the back of his cupboard? I think he tried to pass it off to Uncle Sherman as instant coffee once. As if roasted grain tastes anything like roasted coffee!

I'm sad that something that is part of my cultural past doesn't exist anymore, but I have to admit that I would never drink it. To my way of thinking if you want something that is coffee-like, just have coffee. I would.
