
Taking digizines into the new millenium

Sep 5, 2005

Hair Whore

Posted by Kim |

I admit it. I'm thinking about turning into a hair whore.

Lately I've been seriously considering sneaking around on my current hairdresser of 4 years. I mean she's OK and everything, but where's the excitement? The newness? The wild and crazy stuff of bygone times? She and I have gotten into a rut and I'm seriously contemplating letting someone else touch my bangs (and maybe more if I like that). Me bad?

This all started when I woke up one morning to get ready for work and realized that somehow my hairdresser had introduced the Carol Brady flip into my hair without me knowing it. We used to be able to talk about things like this. She used to take my opinions seriously. Where, oh where did it all go so wrong?

I know I should do the right thing and break it off with her BEFORE I go out and start shopping around for her replacement, but I think it's only fair that I get to test drive a new model before I commit to it. Right? I mean what if the next one isn't as good as she is? Then I'd be totally screwed, you know what I mean?

I will do the right thing however, and not sneak around with Michael, the gay guy at the next station. That's just wrong to flaunt a new relationship in front of your old one in that way. If she happens to notice that my hair color is a little more red than the last time she colored it, I'll have to somehow come up with a convincing lie. Can the sun bleach your hair redder?

I'm not a good liar. At all. *Note to self: take up poker playing BEFORE turning into a hair whore.


Roy said...

It could have been worse--say, Peter Brady instead of Carol. Of course I would look rediculous either way. Not that either way wouldn't be an improvement. I'm just going on and on because I'm bitter that I don't have that much hair to begin with.

Anonymous said...

What if Sam the butcher did ya...
That would be one messy hairdo

Kim said...

My brother had Peter Brady hair, so yes, it could be much worse. I'll keep it in mind that Sam the butcher is not a viable replacement for my current hairdresser. Cutting meat and cutting hair ARE different, or so I'm told...
